
Link to project website: https://www.fed4fire.eu/testbeds/triangle/

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Contact: dtsolkas@fogus.gr

Horizon 2020 – Call Identifier: F4Fp-SME
Call Title: Fed4FIRE+ Competitive Call – Innovative Experiments “Continuous Call” | Category “SME Cascaded Experiments”
Project Full Name: Fed4FIRE+: Federation for FIRE plus
Duration: 3 Months
Start date: 3/2/2020
Project Title: 5GinVivo - 5G Infrastructure-associated network application for vertical industries performance evaluation
Overall Budget: € 12 000,00
Grant Agreement ID: 732638

5G networks are expected to offer end-to-end dedicated network services to vertical industries, through the SDN/NFV advancements and the ETSI-MANO toolbox. Indeed, network management functionality is exposed through network applications (NetApps) at the service providers’ domain. Consequently, service providers exploit this openness to reshape the way they develop their services and promise high Quality of Experience (QoE) to their customers. In this context, 5GinVivo will design and run end-to-end performance tests by exploiting features of the PerformLTE platform related to automation, monitoring, and visualisation. The major objective is to devise a new performance metric (on top of 5G-PPP KPIs) and an add-on reporting interface for quantifying the performance fingerprint of a NetApp to its underlay 5G network. To this end, the Patron’s platform will be enhanced by: a) expanding its reporting and monitoring modules (to include the QoE perspective), and b) adding the FOGUS WAN emulator (to include the transport network’s impact). In parallel, the experimentation process is expected to enrich the FOGUS service portfolio, by providing insights for upgrading the FOGUS Media tool with the capability to trace the service provisioning chain and automatically identify and unblock performance bottlenecks. The full set of the experimentation results will be provided openly to the NetApp development sector, with the aspiration that they will contribute to the business modeling of the emerging market between the infrastructure owners and the service providers/tenants.

Project Participants
IMEC Belgium
Sorbonne Université France
Fraunhofer Germany
Technische Universitat Berlin Germany
CERTH Greece
Martel Innovate Switzerland
Atos Spain
National Technical University of Athens Greece
INRIA France
IT Innovation United Kingdom
GEANT United Kingdom
i2CAT Spain
PSNC Poland
Universidad de Cantabria Spain
Universidad de Malaga Spain
Universiteit van Amsterdam Netherlands
Institut Jozef Stefan Slovenia
Connect Ireland
NORDUnet Denmark